Visiting the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience 2021
Ellen has a track record of representing at annual meetings of the Society for Neuroscience.
At SfN2017 prof. White presented a poster on MOOCs for Medical Education for which Ellen was co-author (see Medical Neuroscience on the annual meeting Society for Neuroscience 2017)
At SfN2019 Ellen participated in the annual meeting again (see: Visiting the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience 2019)
In 2020 we prepared a poster for presentation at SfN2020 in Washington D.C. ( see: Website for distance learning in Neuroscience). We were not able to present the poster as the meeting was canceled due to the developing pandemic of COVID-19.
Poster presentation at SfN2021
In 2021 there were two versions of the annual meeting planned. A virtual one and an in-person one in Chicago. The in-person meeting in Chicago is cancelled. But at the Virtual conference a poster on will be presented by Ellen and prof. White.
Virtual poster presentation
We are delighted to share with you the video for the recorded presentation:
The presentation of our poster is listed in the program as: Supporting students medical neuroscience in their learning.
E. Vos-Wisse (1), K.R. Parks (2),V.V. Malakhov (3), G.N. Petitto De Gregorio (4), L.E. White (5);
1, mentor “Medical Neuroscience”, Wageningen, Netherlands;
2 mentor “Medical Neuroscience”, Namaimo, BC, Canada;
3 mentor “Medical Neuroscience”, Moscow, Russian Federation;
4 mentor “Medical Neuroscience”, Maracaibo, Venezuela;
5 Duke Ins. for Brain Sci., Duke Univ., Durham, NC, USA
Session Title: Education Professional Schools
Virtual Poster Session Time: Wednesday November 10 2012 at 2.30 to 3.30 PM Central Standard Time (UTC -6)
Virtual poster
The virtual poster consists of three components: a PDF virtual poster, a 5-minute recorded presentation and a one-hour group discussion and collaboration session for conference participants.
You can download the virtual poster presentation slides here: Presentation SfN2021
At 2.30 pm (UTC -6)November 10 2021 prof. White and I (Ellen) would love to meet you at the group discussion and collaboration session if you have registered for SfN2021. As always feedback is welcomed on this article and the video and PDF we are sharing.