There is a new, 6th edition of ‘Neuroscience’ , the course textbook. It can be used instead of the 5th edition that is often used.
The part in the course on Cognition will be enriched in the future by another resource. Prof. White will add content from the second edition of Dr. Purves’ and colleagues’ other major textbook, Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience .
Consequently the resources and the Study Tips on Cognition, will be updated to the new content.
Study Tip Cognition 1.
In Brain Development you had an excellent opportunity to review material. You have the same opportunity in Cognition.
First of all there is this strategic Study Tip for reviewing previous material.
Under a Video Tutorial at the left hand side of your screen you see in the list of Downloads two text files. The first one is Transcript (txt).
You can use the .txt files from the tutorials that contain information on the concept you want to review to decide which of the tutorials you want to watch again. You can open the txt files in Notebook.
The information in the file ‘Subtitles’ (WEBVTT)) refers also to the time slot in the tutorial where the text is spoken. You can go back to a specific time in a tutorial and review the visual material that is presented on a certain neuromedical concept.
Featured video: ThePianoGuys; 5 Guys, one piano. One Direction – What Makes You Beautiful.
Pair function to anatomy
It is important to keep in mind where (cognitive) functions of the brain are located. Use the resources of the Virtual Brain, Neuroanatomy to study function in relation to anatomy.
3-D Brain App by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. A very useful 3D model of the brain. It has descriptions of various brain structures, associated functions, associated cognitive disorders, etc. It is useful for the preparation of Quizzes and especially relevant for the Comprehensive Final Exam. It was accessible with the internet browser, but that site used Flash, it does not work anymore. You have to download the App. You can get the free 3D Brain app from Google play and Windows Phone and the App Store from Apple.
Sketch of a memory. Learn about the processes of memory and watch as a woman remembers her first date in this video. Brain Awareness Video Contest 2013 of the SfN by Xavier Viñals and África Flores from Pompeu Fabra University in Catalonia, Spain.
How do we move around in the world? A video from Brain Awareness Video Contest 2020 of the SfN, created by Johanna Pozo. Always getting lost? Blame your hippocampus. Spatial navigation — the ability to move around places — hinges on the activity of four types of neurons in this brain area.
Mental ABC’s: The Neuroscience of Language . A video from Brain Awareness Video Contest 2020 of the SfN, created by Alexander Clarke. Several brain regions, including Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area, and the angular gyrus, work together to understand and produce language. Damage to these areas can cause a variety of language disorders (dyslexia,complements of Autism Spectrum Disorders) and aphasia.
Treasure Hunt a video on Broca’s aphasia, Brain Awareness Video Contest 2011 of the SfN by Shiree Heath a graduate student at The University of Queensland in Australia.
Cognition in relation to deficits, damage and disease
National Institutes of Health A-Z of brain diseases and disorders
List of more than 400 neurological disorders from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, with summaries of symptom descriptions, treatment options and prognosis, information about ongoing research on causes, diagnosis, and potential therapies
Sleep and Wakefulness
One Family, Different Clocks a video on biological clocks. Brain Awareness Video Contest 2012 of the SfN by Jaime Tartar and Tatiana Viena from Nova Southeastern University. Their video won second place in the 2012 Brain Awareness Video Contest and was voted the fan favorite in the People’s Choice Contest.
Marijuana Blows Your Mind, a video on the effect of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main mind-altering component in cannabis that affects brain function, impacting short-term memory and motor control. Brain Awareness Video Contest 2013 of the SfN. Video by Leiden University graduate student Roeland Heerema
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