
This is a website for the Coursera course: Medical Neuroscience, by Prof. Len White from Duke University. Members of the learning community from  have contributed material to this website.

Ellen Vos-Wisse: Course Mentor. Website constructor and caretaker
Creation of the website ‘Learn Medical Neuroscience’.

My name is Ellen Vos-Wisse. In 2013 I took Medical Neuroscience, It was the first edition of the course and it also was my distance learning course ever. I took the course because life sparked a special interest for Neuroscience in me. You’ll understand that when you watch this video.

Duke University gave me a further chance to deepen my knowledge about the brain in the specialization ‘Neuroscience‘. It consisted of 4 courses: Medical Neuroscience (or the shorter course ‘Foundational Neuroscience’, the courses ‘The Brain and Space’ by Prof. J.M. Groh and ‘Visual Perception and the Brain’ by Prof. D. Purves and the Capstone project. The Capstone had three options: (1) write a research proposal  (2) write a popular press article  (3) create a video demonstration or multimedia application  I did option 1 and wrote a research proposal.

Ellen Vos-Wisse (2015): Exercise and traumatic brain injury. Neurogenesis, wayfinding and memory.

The course material fascinated me. but the first quiz was something else. I failed miserably the first time I took it. That experience sparked dedicated learning from my side. I started to  learn socially, participated in lots of discussions on the Discussion Forum. It got me through the course. I learned that discussions on the forum are a great element of the learning experience in this course.

Valuable  links to support learners

Because I was so active on the forum I was invited to become a  Community Teaching Assistant (CTA). I was a CTA for the second run of the course in 2014 (I was a CTA in 2015 and 2016 as well). First of all, I helped learners in discussions on the forum.  In addition to that, I started working on the course Wiki. On that Wiki, I listed useful links to useful websites to support learners. The Medical Neuroscience Wiki was built by me with a few contributions from others. I used the material on the course Wiki  for this website.

NeuroAnatomy, Duke University
Complicated Minds – by Kevin Reginald Parks.
Learners can contact Learn Medical Neuroscience through the course Discussion Forum

Comments, compliments, ideas and suggestions on this website, news for the Medical Neuroscience Learning Community and broader Neuroscience news are welcomed on the Discussion Forum of the Medical Neuroscience Coursera course.

Above all give your thread a descriptive title, like: Website ‘Learn Medical Neuroscience’….your thread title… for general discussion about the website, Resources Medical Neuroscience..your title.. for discussion on resources on the website or suggestions for new resources, or  Study Tips Medical Neuroscience …your title...for additional study tips for members of our Learning Community.  A good descriptive title is very helpful.

Medical Neuroscience News

Also Medical Neuroscience News is important for our Learning Community. There is news about the course and general Medical Neuroscience News. If you want to contribute an article to the website you can go to the button Resources in the toolbar at the left-hand site of the course website, under the button ‘Learn Medical Neuroscience’ you find a road map for the publication of a Medical Neuroscience News article.

General visitors can contact Learn Medical Neuroscience through the contact form

The contact form below is only for visitors of the website that are not members of the Medical Neuroscience Learning Community. It can be used for:

  • First of all: Warnings regarding copyright.
  • Comments, compliments and ideas for the website and its contents.
  • News for the Medical Neuroscience Learning Community and broader Neuroscience news.
  • Last but not least: Financial support for the website. This website is make out of love for neuroscience and the chance the course offers to everyone to learn about it. Duke University compensates for the costs made to register the domain name and the hosting of the site. But it is a lot of work. Teachers, universities or other supporters of (Neuroscience) education that want to strengthen the work on the website are invited to support the site further.

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